We are trained to perform the following procedures:
- IPOP (IMMEDIATE POST OPERATIVE PROSTHESIS) - Immediate prosthesis placed in operation room after the surgeon ends the amputation.
- EPOP (EARLY POST OPERATIVE PROSTHESIS) Immediate prothesis placed in the hospital room after the patient leaves recovery ". It is used in cases where surgery was an emergency or was not previously coordinated.
We know that the majority of the effective rehabilitation of a patient with amputation is directly related to the success of the previous surgery.
In selected cases we provides guidance to patients and their families thought the whole process of rehabilitation with prosthesis and literature, pictures and videos of these processes.

Puerto Rico Prosthetics provides high-quality orthotic, prosthetic and rehabilitation solutions for a wide range of clinical conditions. For over 20 years, Puerto Rico Prosthetics has been manufacturing innovative products featuring transformational technology, all designed to offer more quality of life for those who use our products and services.

Physical therapy is the most important compliment in the rehabilitation of a patient with limb amputation.
During the PRE-PROSTHETICS TRAINING, the therapist emphasizes the proper use of the residual limb (stump) sock (stump shrinker), general strengthening and proper positioning of the residual limb to prevent contractures and falls.
In most cases we recommend a preparatory prosthesis. The most important goal is to get the patient walk again functionally, with a basic, stable and well modified prosthesis. The patient learns to loose the fear of pain during ambulation, develop balance, tolerance and good management of their prosthesis.
It must be emphasized to the patient the proper use of the stump shrinker, (1,2,3,5, and 6 plies). At this stage the stump presents significant changes in volume, which requires proper monitoring to avoid discomfort, pressure areas or in the worst cases ulcers by pressure and friction.

It is important that a physiatrist validates to us that the patient is eligible to receive a prosthesis.
Prescribed prosthesis and rehabilitation plan. The physiatrist should evaluate the patient before and after the amputation. After that removal of the stitches; (STUMP SHRINKER , PRE-PROSTHETICS TRAINING & PREPARATORY PROSTHETIC), he then evaluates the delivery of the prothesis and aids to assure that it meets your prescription precisely and procedes to prescribe; (PROSTHETICS TRAINING).
The physiatrist prescribes the permanent prosthesis according to the functional level of the patient, ( it may take 3 to 6 months after the preparatory prosthesis is prescribed).
This prescription is important because it takes into consideration the following criteria;
Nature of housing/living space of the patient, 1º2 floors, if rural or urban area, patient’s work or hobbies, other health prevailing conditions and Medical Insurance Plan.

We complement the orthopeadist’s intervention with patients by offering all kinds of orthotic devices for:
- Immobilizing, stabilizing or assisting movement.
- Treatment of acute and chronic degenerative conditions, post trauma and post - operative .
- Orthotic devices both custom fit and pre-fabricated for adults and children.

PR Prosthetics works with the Primary Physician to provide cost effective solutions towards the benefit of the patient rehabilitation with excellent results.
We identify cases that could result in amputation and coordinate services to work with prevention. We monitor and treat patients with a comprehensive approach.
We currently have a program to prevent amputations. Our prevention programs are focused at the care management of the foot of the patients with diabetes and circulatory problems.
Our prevention programs are to educate patients on preventive measures to be taken in their occacional or daily activities.
The Therapeutic Shoe Program for instance, trains patients about the use of removable inserts such as the task of replacing them every 90 days or sooner.

We are equipped to train nurses at the hospital facilities, in management of; ( IPOP & EPOP ) to perform inspection and treatment of wounds in limb amputations.
We also offer training in management of the (STUMP SHRINKER).
We provide training to nurses on the proper positioning of the patient on the hospital bed to decrease post-operative contractures.

The social worker is in charge of referring patients to service centers and are responsible for assuring the quality of service offered by the companies they recommend.
Our company counts with a management care department that is in charge of providing the social worker with the coordination of all the services that our company can offer to the patient.