Prosthetic Devices
PRP is a pioneer manufacturer of prosthesis in offering the highest technology and specialized services. In our laboratory facilities located in Manatí, Puerto Rico, PRP manufactures standardized and custom made devices designed by specialized prosthetic personnel with many years of experience in their field, using quality raw materials and custom designs to accommodate the patient’s needs, increase functionality and improve their quality of life. Our products consist of the following:
Lower extremity prostheses, AK & BK
Upper extremity, including Myoelectrics
Patient focused fabrication

Orthotic Braces & Supports
An orthosis, sometimes called a brace, splint or appliance, is a rigid or semi-rigid device used for supporting a weak or deformed body parts, or a device that restricts or eliminates motion in a diseased or injured body part. Orthosis are worn temporarily or in some cases permanently depending on the cause of accident, injury or congenital anomaly, so that the person can perform routine activities of daily living.


Direct, On Demand Purchasing
Off-the-shelf orthotics (often called “arch supports” or “prefabricated orthotics”) are non-custom devices designed to provide gentle support to the arch of the foot and help spread weight more evenly along the bottom of the foot. They are not as supportive as well-made custom orthotics but they can work well for a lot of people at less cost than custom.
Therapeutic Shoes, Inserts & Soles
Wearing shoes that fit snugly and give good support is very important for maintaining the overall health of the foot. Orthopedic footwear is especially necessary when you have been diagnosed with a particular condition. Proper shoes are an essential part of your treatment and recovery plan. Orthopedic footwear is designed to relieve pain or pressure on the foot. In general has added depth to increase the space inside the shoe. Puerto Rico Prosthetics has the technology able to capture the shape of the foot and its pressure points to recommend footwear and ideal insert.


Patient Pickup & Home Care Services
Puerto Rico Prosthetics belives distance should not be an obstacle for patients to receive premium clinical aid. This is why we offer patient pickup services for transportation between the clinic and the patiens home. We also offer direct Home Care Services were out technicians provide personal care to patients from the comfort of their home. These services are subject to qualification. To receive more information on how to qualify please contact our main office.
We Handle the Hassle
Puerto Rico Prosthetics dedicates an exclusive Case Manager to coordinate directly with your insurance plan. In this fashion, we ensure optimum service level expectations.